KE's bussar

“With around 70 buses on the road for public transport, school transport and ordered services, fuel and maintenance are some our biggest costs at KE’s Bussar. That’s why we chose to invest in Drivec’s unique Sustainable Suite solution. We saw two major advantages in their solutions: firstly, we could save money which we would instead use to develop the business, and secondly, we would attain greater control in our workshop.

Today we know well-informed on the condition of our buses, while the drivers are more aware of their consumption and driving behaviour. And it’s the combination of driver commitment and vehicle condition that has afforded us savings, both financially and environmentally. For example, one of our drivers came in and was curious about why his excess consumption was higher on a route he had driven many times before even though he had driven just as efficiently. When we looked into it, it turned out that the heater was on and drawing energy, which increased the excess consumption. And we have seen other examples of how the two systems support each other, including how low tyre pressure or bad brakes also make it impossible for drivers to drive efficiently.”

Carl-Johan Elofsson
Workshop Manager
KE’s Bussar


”We chose Drivec EcoDriving so that we could follow up on eco-friendly driving among our drivers in an effective way. It’s incredibly important to measure drivers’ influence, not at the factors. Nobina has lots of different bus types that operate throughout the Nordic region, and Drivec EcoDriving gives us the opportunity to monitor development and draw comparisons regardless of which bus is being driven or the route being followed. This work has resulted in a 7–12% reduction in fuel consumption per year and reduced carbon dioxide emissions. The planned driving style is also resulting in more customer-friendly driving, fewer injuries, less damage and less wear and tear to buses and roads. Drivec is a committed and innovative partner that works actively with us to bring about improvements!”

Anna Jonasson
Head of operations


Oskarsson & Nilsson Åkeri AB

”We set great store by environmental work at our company. We’ve installed Drivec’s EcoDriving in our vehicles in order to reduce our environmental impact. Our drivers receive regular training on economical driving and are also rewarded if they managed to reduce their fuel consumption. This has allowed us to reduce fuel and maintenance costs for our vehicles. By way of example, fuel consumption per vehicle has gradually fallen by more than 10%, which means around 7800 litres saved per vehicle per year.”

Jerry Nilsson
Oskarsson & Nilsson Åkeri AB


“We are using Drivec VHM to help our operators identify possible errors
in real time, enabling them to respond rapidly with corrective action.

We are shifting the focus away from working reactively to working proactively instead, and this is an area where Drivec helps us to operationally prevent breakdowns and in doing so increase customer satisfaction.”

Peter Larsson
System administrator/Vehicle technology developer