Starting in 2025, the Swedish Transport Administration is implementing new requirements for reporting of speed complicance in the transportaion sector. This mandate means that each supplier needs a technical solution that records and stores speed compliance data of trips and vehicles.
Many are now wondering how they’ll meet the stricter requirements. Drivec has the solution. Drivec Safety is an intelligent system that helps you analyze speeding violations in your vehicle fleet, making trips safer for both drivers and passengers. The system is user-friendly and makes it easy to detect geografic problem areas and changes in driving behvaior.
Drivec Safety is based on the Swedish Transport Administration’s database of the Swedish road network (NVDB) which makes the system able to monitor speeds all troughout Sweden. Vehicle position, speed and trips are reported to Drivec Cloud in real time and analyzed daily to detect speeding violations. Detailed filtering makes it possible to analyze violations at driver, vehicle and depot levels.
Drivec Safety is continuously developed, with new features and modules being added continuously.